New teaching method for high school Physical Education Teachers


The toolkit is the result of the implementation of the SOS teaching module in the partner Schools, of the monitoring and of the analysis of results. It contains the SOS Physical Education module teaching sheets after a thorough amendments undergone thanks to the monitoring of the implementation and a collection of best practices. This Toolkit is the main means to transfer the new module in other schools and it can also be used by non-sport high schools, replacing part of the normal PE curriculum.


Centro Universitario Sportivo di Padova (CUS Padova) Coordinator
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Inspectoratul Școlar Județean Bacău (ISJ Bacau) Partner
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Instituto N.ª Sra. da Encarnação - Cooperativa de Ensino (ECB) Partner
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Istituto di Istruzione Superiore ‘Newton-Pertini’ (IIS Newton-Pertini) Partner
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Budapest VI. Kerületi Kölcsey Ferenc Gimnázium (KFG) Partner
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European Athlete as Student Network (EAS) (EAS) Partner
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Sport Opens School (SOS) is a project aimed at providing high school physical education teachers with an innovative teaching module that increases adolescents’ participation in sport, educate them to fair-play, tolerance and inclusion in order to avoid bullying and finally provide students with life and employability skills. The main objectives of the project are: Create a physical education (PE) t …