On September 24th 2021, the first SOS day event was organised by the Budapest VI. Kerületi Kölcse y Ferenc Gimnázium in conjunction with the official Hungarian Students’ Sport Day.
The whole school participated in the event. Considering the high number of students involved, more than 820, the event featured three programs running in parallel in the school, all covering the three pillars of the SOS methodology and united by the same cornerstone: sport.
Together with the activities organised for the Students’ Sport Day, the Hungarian project team organised specific games and activities based on the methodology developed with the SOS project. Students had the chance to challenge themselves in different activities improving, beyond their motor skills, also cooperation, creativity, and leadership; while guests invited to the event could appreciate the demonstration of the SOS methodology in practice.
The school coordinator for the SOS project – Szilvia Ferenczi – presented the projects’ objectives, activities and results project to the invited guests and participating students. Fair play and integrity in sports were the main focus of the seminar “Olympians’ day” that followed. Six former students of the school who participated at Tokyo Olympics and Paralymic Games, and the President of the Hungarian Olympic Committee were invited to have a conversation on stage with the principal of the school – Csaba Fazekas, and the head of the School P.E. department – Zsuzsanna Vajda. Both students and the 40 guests representing local schools, sports clubs, and the National Association of Sports Schools could listen to their stories of passion and commitment.
The Hungarian SOS Day has been the first live event after one year of online activities. All this waiting, contributed to its huge success and to the enthusiastic feedbacks from colleagues, students and guests.
Hungarian state Sport Channel, M4, broadcasted part of the event.
Video available here